Getting Started
The most important step to getting started is having a one-on-one conversation with us so that we can understand your needs and risk tolerance and so you can understand exactly what to expect from us. This conversation can be as long or as short as necessary so long as an understanding is achieved.
Once the decision is made to establish a relationship with Cove Capital and the initial conversation has occurred, Cove Capital sends an electronic link for the client to open an account at Interactive Brokers. A paper application can be sent if preferred.
Once the two steps above are completed we prepare all the necessary paperwork and send it to you for signature. When it is completed and returned to us, we submit any additional paperwork to Interactive Brokers on your behalf, monitor all account transfers and ensure that your account(s) is set up correctly. Based on your preference we then send you copies of everything you signed either hardcopy or electronically.
The most difficult part of this process is simply making the decision to get started.